Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome January

Welcome to 2014! Happy New Year! It is going to be a great one. The day was filled with family, football and ….unfortunately, the last day of fat fest. Good riddance.
New Years day for our family is joined in celebration by a very special event now one year old. The birth of my son. 

Yes, last year I was bringing in the new year by pushing out a 9 pound 6 ouncer. A little bundle that has enhanced and blessed my life for 12 months. Happy birthday Drake!

The week between Christmas and New Years was just too short to adequately plan out the plethora of accomplishments I plan on tackling. However, I do not support the theory of having everything lined up before jumping in with purpose and heart. Out of all my faults, procrastination is not one of them so, though I have more yet to think over and write down, tomorrow I join the group of January fanatics.

My theme for January is: Get healthy.

Yes, I was living large in December; sugar content went way up while gym attendance went way down.

Don’t think you have to write out your five pages of resolutions, complete with diagramed plans before starting in on the "new year, better you, make over". There will be time for your bar graphs and excel spread sheets as we go along. Don't get so caught up in the planning that you forget to just take action in some small way. Do three things.
 My January three are:

1. No sugar. I could go on and on about how I feel on this subject and probably will someday. I like sweets but I feel better when I am totally off sugar (this is every sweetener but raw honey and pure maple syrup. I am a serious ingredient reader). Since I am an extremist, I can’t just eat a square of chocolate and call it good like my mom. Better to give it all up. The withdrawals only last a couple days and then the emotional desire only about  7 to 10 days. You can do it. When you don’t eat sugar (and sweeteners of all sorts), fat drops away. Just trust me on this. If you still have your favorite chocolate left over from your stocking and you can’t bear wasting it or, god forbid, giving it away and you were totally unsuccessful at eating every morsel before 2014, bag it and stick it in the freezer for a rainy day. (that rainy day better not be for a few months).

2. Get on the treadmill. Either jog on my treadmill or get to the gym for a class 5 days a week. Whatever it is you can do, do it. Just start moving.

3.  TV break. I’ve never been big on watching the tube. Too much negativity; too much waste of time. However, movies have been abundant lately. Husband and I decided to take a little fast from all of it with a couple minor exceptions: football on Sundays and Pysch when it starts airing. Going to evaluate this decision after a month. Who knows, we might like life without TV (movies, shows, news, sports) better than life with.

I am excited about making little positive changes every month.

1 comment:

  1. love the pictures of the boys, and love your amazing family, a gift from God placed in the body to bless and inspire
