Monday, December 23, 2013

Party in pj's

My sister always hosts a "bring in the Christmas season" party sometime in early November. This year the invitations were received and some of us were chagrined to see the words “formal attire”. Not that I am not totally into make up and curling irons and strapless numbers, but… I am more into thick socks pulled up my calf and my husbands baggy sweaters (I wonder if I have lost some of my sex appeal). Nevertheless, the five of us arrived in red and green and I complained a little out loud but mostly in my head; Though I must say, I would wear that sequined thin red thing again despite having to starve half the day, just for that girls spiked eggnog.
But I digress.
 The season has marched on; all too quickly. We have been busy with shopping and parties, baking and movie watching, present wrapping and crafts (not to mention a little of the everyday necessaries). My husband was determined to host a Christmas party this year since the year past had me pregnant up to my ears (baby was due Christmas of 2012 but came new years day) and not about to put my pants on for any reason less than the beginning of labor. So after a weekend of endless festivities and, I must say, some simply wonderful Christmas parties, my husband and I hosted “Christmas Eve Eve Hour” tonight. Yes, one hour. The invitations said “come in your cozies, formal attire not welcome”. I enjoyed seeing my guests come in pajamas and robes as much as my sister must have enjoyed seeing all her guests in suits and ties. My daughter really wanted to wear her Christmas dress because, of course, that is what you wear to a Christmas party, but after her cousins came in their cozy jamma’s, she discreetly retired to her room to change. Just the way I like it, short and comfy. we ate, we talked, we sang one very badly done song, and everyone departed in high spirits. We had our party and now I am just enjoying a little bit of silence, thankful for the December festivities and knowing that "something big happened" and that's why we celebrate so very much this time of year.

I am excited to link up with myjollylittlelife for the January blogathon she is hosting. Will try to improve in picture taking as well. Ha Ha.
Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Excellent party and yes the song was very bad and I am super excited about all the fun we are going to make of you in days, and years, to come!

    1. I knew that going in, but it didn't stop me. I sacrificed my dignity just so everyone could see your husbands face. It was worth it.

  2. Jolly party. Charming Food. Good Company. Lots Of Laughs. A Triumph My Dear!
