Sunday, December 1, 2013

25 days of Christmas

Hurray for December! We have but 24 days till Christmas and every single one must count. I think that members of society who have an aversion to the busy, gift buying, cookie making, tree trimming season might perhaps focus too much on the bustle without the laughter, or the stress of buying presents without the magic of GIVING gifts. I am determined that my kids will know and feel and love all that exists in the Christmas season, I want them to feel the poignancy of what we are celebrating: the birth of Jesus, and know the pleasure of giving to others. light of that desire I am going to do something Christmasy with my children every day leading up to Christmas. Whether it be a small activity like singing Christmas songs around the piano all together or larger like throwing a Christmas party, celebrate we will.
Day 1
Tonight my parents hosted a tree trimming party. We decorated the most splendid specimen of an Evergreen I have seen in a while. Food (for being a skinny bunch, the family is serious about food), football (of course), and I'm pretty sure there was butt slapping during the "Giddy-up" song, (at least everyone was slapping their own). Yes, we are an odd bunch but very very merry.
We commemorated the evening by singing Christmas Carols all the way home. The kids were sleepy  and not vocal but they love it when daddy and mommy sing loud and strong from the front seat of the car. And I love it when my husband randomly sings "and Bingo was his name oh B-I-N-G-O...."
Whether young or old, married or not take the time this season to do something every day to "make your spirits bright".

 Moments of Christmas' past

Trying to get family pictures


1 comment:

  1. That was a beautiful sentiment. I sure enjoy your blog. The pictures of the past Christmas's are precious.
