Sunday, March 9, 2014

Go healthy or go home

I might meet with some rolled eyes or smirks when I talk about my relationship with inanimate objects that have a significant place in my life, those items that I feel have contributed to the overall functionality of my present existence, but it is no joke when I say I love them. My vitamix “Mac” and my juicer “Bud” are both kitchen must haves in our home. I bless the day I brought them home (at separate times of course because the cost of those two is no insubstantial sum).

 As a mom I am always on the look out for things, ideas and habits that help me lead my little ones on the path that will provide them a foundation in life, as eventually they will start their own journey’s on this great wonderful planet.  Eating healthy is big time important in our home. Little ones have these amazing pure systems untainted by chemicals, processed foods, unnatural substances and garbage so why would we as parents allow (yes I use the word allow) unhealthy stuff to pollute the purity of these tiny bodies?

 I ask you.

Yes I was the girl whose mom packed her a healthy cake alternative when attending birthday parties and yes I also carted my own honey ice cream to the afore mentioned party. I ate tofu spaghetti growing up but also a heck of a lot of great food. My mom was strict with the certain things us kids were not allowed to have and I didn’t freak out (at least not too bad).

It is hard to deny the affect that food has had on our young people. I would rather see a little dalliance with Mc Donalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken when they are of age as opposed to providing those sad excuses for food as a meal selection when they are not even old enough to pee in the big potty.

My Mason has been a case where food is of the greatest importance, and because he does not eat as much as I wish he would, all his food options have to be high quality, vitamin filled, nutritious wise choices, to help create an environment that promotes healing and growth. I am not saying I am perfect at this by any means but I am always tweaking my system for that boy; racking my brain and beating my head against the wall at times.

So this week I am going to write every day about an important element in our diets; this week is all about family health.
Good food, good habits, good lives.


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