Monday, March 3, 2014

A short Monday thought

The reason moms and dads everywhere should always be on their game.
The space on the top of her smile used to be bare. Everyone who saw her in December would sing "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". Now, she is growing two big girl teeth. She doesn't lisp when she says her s's; she tells me she likes her new smile.
Where do all the moments go? I'm pretty sure they go straight into my heart, and it makes for a pretty good ache. 
I know I have had many a ramble lately about kids, marriage, and life moments but these things are so very relevant right now. Someday soon I will write about my passion for Apple Cider Vinegar or lament over the sad tale of Les Miserable or delineate the five things I never leave home without or write an Ode to my Vitamix, but for now I just want to say - and say it with profound emphasis:
Take care of those kids God has given.
Be their super heroes.
Be their biggest fans.
Be the best you possible you in order to help them become their best selves.
Treasure them.
Show them Jesus
"....Speak Lord, for your servant is listening" -1 Sam 3:9


  1. Such a lovely little treasure she is. Such a lovely mommy she has. She is becoming just like you, and definitely loving Jesus and His word as you show her the way.

  2. my little girl gets married next Saturday, please pray for her and the groom, and the wedding day preparations.
