Monday, February 24, 2014

Last week of February

The world of blogging is a vast cosmic collectivity of enterprise not wholly familiar to me.

As I do with most endeavors, I began without defined initiatives in mind, to write and explore with some semblance of external motivation, that being, some would read my recordings, giving an impetus for at least the bare attempts at proper spelling and grammar. I have enjoyed the months of writing for the principle sake of writing something and putting pictures of my little ones alongside, knowing my Grandma will be enjoying their cuteness. This simplistic beginning has been necessary for me while the busy everythings of life are often disrupting the even flow of my mental prowess and the wind of unexpected happenings are blowing my hair in my mouth and eyes (figuratively of course). I say all this for the purpose of saying I feel my slow start has been building a foundation that I can eventually build a structure full of interesting artifacts on. Meaning, in every day blogging language: I intend to learn more and maybe, just maybe, pick up a couple extra followers in the months to come (though I am very happy with my current eleven). I guess we will see how that goes. It is fun to sit and talk to my friends.... out there somewhere, battling challenges and learning about life....just like me.

Rambling on:

This week looks good from the vantage of my couch tonight and I am taking a couple minutes to write down appointments responsibilities and put order to its beginning. My sister at Jolly Little Life encourages us on Monday to write down goals for the week that will take a little part of each day. These are three of mine:


1.                  Take time to connect with each of my kids on their level every day. How often do the days go by going from one busy thing to the next and us crazy moms who have to keep a dozen things in mind leading up to each separate activity might forget to still cultivate the individuality of the little beings we are working so hard for.

2.                  Pick a word a day and use it a hundred times, if possible, throughout the day until it is part of your speaking vocabulary. This is a fun and painless way to teach great vocabulary to your kids. I will even list the words here in case you want to practice too.

Monday: equitable: Fair; unbiased; just; reasonable.

Tuesday: euphony: Good sound, pleasant lilt or rhythm

Wednesday: badinage: light hearted frivolity

Thursday: inchoate: elementary, incipient, or incomplete

Friday: pedantic: stressing trivial points of learning

      3.         Be sure my sink is shiny before going to bed at night. No one likes to wake up to yesterdays residual of mess (though we sometimes have to). Little habits learned help the productivity and peace of the day.

Here's to being our best selves this week and bring in March with a bang.



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