Monday, February 17, 2014

music interlude

I know it is Monday and what I should be doing is encouraging the ever important  endeavor of accomplishing our goals during this pivotal month.
February makes or breaks us people.
However, since having a forced reprieve from everything but taking care of my little ones fighting sickness, I have determined that March is the new January and I will just breath a little bit this week; enjoy the moments with kids who need extra loving.
I invite you to take a little journey of melancholy with me this evening. What I love about life, is the emotion of it. I know we have to think sanely,  live well and reasonably and be steady, but within those confines of steadfastness we have the mighty power to feel, and feel strongly. Music just catapults the soul to a “feeling” experience, where you can linger a little in the throws of a creative and obscure sense of love and laughter, memories and emotion, sadness and hope. I would give you the direct links on youtube but that just might take me all night, I can’t even figure out how to get this huge picture of my face smaller. Listen in this order…but don’t watch the videos, just listen to the songs:

Gordan Lightfoot "If you could read my mind"

Bruce Springsteen “Thunder Road

Roy Orbison “Love Hurts”

Moody Blues “Your Wildest Dreams”

Josh Groban “To Where you are”

Keith Green “The Lord is my Shepherd”

1 comment:

  1. well I listened to the songs in order and I must confess my emotions went down down down until the very end when hope was realized in the Lord is my shepherd. you really can't underestimate the power of music
