Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Just so ordinary

Today as I was picking up after the kids for the 70th time, trying to get the house acceptable to ancillary eyes, I had a moment of thinking in bewilderment “what else have I done today but this?” Naturally my feelings were hyperbolic and I’m sure I could list a great many weighty and important things done today however the sensation of the opposite was overwhelming.

 I was still picking up when my mom came by to drop off my daughter who had spent a pleasant afternoon going for a walk with Grandma and Papa. She asked how I was and I said “fine” then followed it up with “I am a slave, that’s what I am”. She laughed then said something that washed the fatigue from my soul as if by some marvel of eloquence.

She said: “It’s called serving and one of the greatest things you can do on a daily basis is serve your family”.

 When Jesus said “If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, learn to be a servant of all”,  it was pretty cut and dry. I think in our society, service is romanticized to be something a little more spectacular or just a little more blatantly sacrificial. Oddly paradoxical really. Being a servant is to help meet the need of another, it is quiet and glad, unobtrusive.

I need reminders to fight against this idea that lingers on occasion, saying that what I do doesn't have enough value because it is just so ordinary. There really is nothing ordinary about the miracles I witness on a daily basis. Thanks mom for reminding me of what's important. 

If it's slavery, it sure is rewarding


1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful Danielle. Once again, brings tears to my eyes. Being a mom is the most rewarding thing in the course of life, as I am reminded daily as I watch my own children being such phenomenal adults, mothers, and friends.
