Thursday, November 14, 2013

Slowing down time

Another day done. My three munchkins are in their respective beds. The demands and requests and needs are at rest for the moment. Adulthood has been hitting me gradually over the last fifteen years, each year carrying with it additional responsibility and new experiences. I find myself having been married to my husband a decade already, with a six year old, a five year old and a ten month old now in the mix. I am still trying to figure out how to be wife, mother, cook, laundress, house cleaner, piano teacher, worship leader, song writer, friend, sister, daughter etc, etc and be amazing at all. Days with kids sometimes seem full of the monotony of necessary time fillers, meals and baths, picking up for the seventh time the same basket of toys, folding the same spider man pj’s so a little man can wear them to bed, school work and dishes and more dishes. Days go into a warp speed of passing until you find your little ones have gone thru stages and fazes and you never got a video of your kido saying “yips” instead of lips. The only way to slow time down is to be in the moment and stay current as the passing of the moment brings you to the next one.

Try this.

Us mama’s are always thinking and planning for the next event. So I propose a habit change. Plan your day the night before complete with what you will make for meals (this is really important since those kids need three square meals plus snacks every single day), what added errands are included in the day and whatever else requires a little thought and planning. Remember the goal is to live in the moment with your kids not be a sergeant with a schedule. I just don’t want to miss out on them because I am always in a state of flurry.

 I see the way they look at me sometimes. I see the way they look at my husband. We must always strive to be worthy of those gazes.

By the way, slowing time down by living in the moment is not exclusive to those with kids. We all could learn to enjoy the journey a little more if we would stop rushing away the moments.


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