Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Keeping it moving

 I was able to get out early today for what I hoped would be a nice three mile jog before the rigors of the day began. The morning air was just chill enough to be brisk but the sun was saying a sweater would be an encumbrance. I felt good; motivated to pick up my pace and push myself, with a mixture of some moderately rocking music from my husbands phone in my ear. What a glorious thing exercise is.  I looked at the phone to adjust the song selection (you know how I am with anything techy) and that’s when it happened. I encountered an inconsistency of cement level not uncommon on my chosen path, and began to hurdle forward, upper body moving faster than my poor feet could run. My husbands phone flew from my hand through the air and was only jerked from its flight by the chord still attached to my ears as I hit the ground. I turned and sat, doing as my son does, checking his hands and knees to assess the damage before determining how hard to cry. Alas I did not cry (didn’t want to traumatize my sister) but I was picking gravel out of my hands and lamenting a hole in the left knee of my favorite jogging pants for the remainder of those 3 miles. Now I have a big swollen and bruised knee and a story to tell my kids about how I fell but was brave and tough and didn’t even cry.

 Yet another example of why we should not mess with phones and drive…. or, in my case, jog.



  1. Hahaha thank you. It Gabe me a chuckle because that happens to me too. ;)

    1. So true! you and Marcia are quite the pair! (remember Vegas Marcia?)
