Friday, May 2, 2014

five kid moments

I have learned that life holds just a plethora of moments we either disregard as ordinary because we're busy, stressed or impatient or we linger over, appreciating the humor, the unique qualities and the magic of those "ordinary" moments.

 My husband fell asleep last night as we were snuggled in bed to my ramblings of all the kid moments I had had during the day. It is a frequent habit with us, I chat away because it helps me unwind and he listens to my kid stories because it helps him relax. I like to retell the simple things because it gives them an extra adhesive consistency for my memory.

I know a time will come when I will find the absence of sticky substance on my clothes a little depressing because it will mean that no one is grabbing my legs with grubby hands and dirty faces, no one is pressing tear stained cheeks and booger noses into my neck and making it imperative that I wash a million loads of laundry a week. Bring on the kid moments, God help me soak them all in.
  • Grabbed my electric toothbrush to start my nightly routine and as I bring the toothpaste towards it I see the unmistakable brown discoloration that is suspiciously similar to the remnants of cliff bar all over Mason’s face at lunch time. Brand new Oral B toothbrush head. That little stinker.
  • While watching my sisters two kids today I had the good fortune to peer out the window and see my son Mason and his younger girl cousin with pants around their ankles in a standing posture that could only indicate the intent of peeing on a rock, two little bottoms across the yard. It didn't end up well for my niece's clothes and she was a little upset after she realized how very wet she was and had to get yet another life lesson on the difference between boys and girls but I sure had a good chuckle over it wishing I had been quick enough to snap a picture. It was just so cute.
  • Leaving the gym after step class, my very affectionate son ran to give the gym owner a hug. She had on a rather colorful sports bra and he put both his hands on her chest and said “what’s these”. Man, kids are embarrassing.
  • Hearing Mason in his room doing his little screeching whiny cry because his brother had hit him with an apple, I started laughing in the kitchen. Seeing my daughter there watching I said apologetically “I’m not laughing because he got hurt, just that he’s five and Drake is only fifteen months.” She said with a straight face “I’m not judging.” Then I really started laughing. Kids are so ridiculously cute.
  • Running around the house in a flurry of activity, packing up the diaper bag with snacks, starting a load of laundry and putting away school books in an effort to come back from errands to a house not entirely devoid of order. As I went I smoothed my hair back unconsciously. My daughter, catching the motion, looked at me concernedly and said "your hair is messy a lot mom. You should try brushing it more often." No arguing that but wow!
If you ask me the world could use more "kid moments" on a regular basis.


  1. You are such a fun writer!!! Gave me many chuckles. Adorable kids!!! Love the pic of Drake! Miss you guys!

  2. Loved Daphne's comments. Made me laugh out loud. Out of the mouths of babes! Loved all the pictures too. I just love those kids... and you! I really enjoy reading your blog! You are a wonderful writer! xo

  3. I was trying to read your post on my phone in bed last night while dad was just going to sleep. The light of the phone did not disturb him, so I thought great, I can read a little (usually he says what are you doing, and go to sleep). I started silently chuckling in my belly uncontrollably, every time I tried to continue. So I decided I better read it today instead, before I ended up in one of those laughing fits, and woke up your dad. I wanted to enjoy it and be able to laugh out loud as much as I wanted. Such a great post. Love all the pictures.
    So true, we need more kid moments. I only wish I had blogged when all of you were little, and took more awesome pictures. You want to cherish, and remember all these once in a lifetime memories.
