Friday, April 17, 2020

Learn something new

Here goes my first video. Used my child as a prop to help with my unnatural nervousness (although I really tried hard to get him to play outside. I am just super popular).
 But really, I’m not going to shy away from something because I’m afraid of looking foolish (which I did) or being inarticulate (which I was). Also, when my head is positioned just right it looks like I have a whirly bird thingy on the top of my noggin...Oh well. I’m not going to be a sissy pants because someone might not “like” me or might out n’ out hate me, or say mean things to me (apparently that happens to people). It is the time in our lives if ever there was a time, to live a life of strength and not of fear. To live out of an abundance of belief in a good good God and not out of worry or uncertainty. It is a time to add what light I have with what light you have and what light others have until our united brightness overpowers darkness. The Light of the World in us.

I invite you to learn something new with me.
 To refuse to be part of the negativity.
To make your moments matter.
 To laugh with your children.
To do something you usually don’t have time to do.
To do something of value. 
To live out of strength and not weakness.


  1. This was great. I am going to learn something new during this time... Working on practicing the guitar and learning new songs. I love that little kid. His laugh is the best.

  2. So good. Truman's cuteness and laughing is adorable

  3. Good blog brah! I liked your face!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Awesome Danielle! I am going to learn something new. You are such an inspiration! Truman's laugh is so adorable! Love you and miss you!

  6. You so inspire me, honey!
    Grandma Kathy

  7. Yaaaay! You remind me of Jordan Page ❤ I love you and miss you
