Monday, April 13, 2020

Facing Reality

The nature of a human being is hopeful.

This is why the tragedy of losing hope is so significant. Even in bleak and challenging circumstances the heart of a person alive looks for the silver lining, for the lesson and for the light at the end of the tunnel. Which is why facing reality is a purely subjective practice. Everyone's reality is laced with their own perspective, their own past, their own humor and a hundred other altering factors.

 So I face my own reality with a grain of salt, as the saying goes. The short of it is this: I am a mom of six, undergoing the same quarantine that much of the country, nay the world, is experiencing at different levels. I am the same mom who blogged somewhat diligently for a while, practiced violin diligently for awhile and is constantly making goals and writing lists that often get started and rarely get finished. Oh, it's a harsh truth. but the hope within me of a better self, of using my time in wisdom and towards a specific and focused end still rustles and pulls me towards its bettering light. I hope you, my friends, are pushed and pulled and awakened by that same force. I began to blog years ago not because I desired to make a living at it or because I thought I had something so profound to say that the world of the internet just had to hear, but that I wanted to journal my journey and challenge myself to do something broadening.

 Well, that hasn't changed, so I pick up my proverbial pen to continue, not from whence I left off but from where I am. My hope is that I will reanimate the desire to share my little bits of journey by just starting again, less with a perfection that keeps me from posting at all but hopefully with my best foot forward, or my real self forward or maybe just with what I want my real self to be forward. I guess I'll see as I get going.

To the future, to the moments, to facing reality with hope and an ability to laugh...sincerely, heartily, well.