Friday, June 12, 2015

An evening ramble

I came from the treadmill, where I had a plethora of brilliant blogging ideas floating through my brain as the adrenaline from running provided super oxygenated blood to my inspiration centers. I then sit at my computer and they inconveniently flit right out or condense in a confused jumble right over my left eye, giving me an unnatural twitch. It’s an old complaint. However, one must persevere.

I sometimes wonder at my blogging at all. I read these incredible blogs from incredible people I know and love and the pictures that correspond with the words are just so wonderful. I love the pictures that express the sentiment sometimes even better than the words themselves and I admit, my shoulders slump a bit. I am not a photographer. I want to be….someday. It is an aspiration that is way down my list of aspirations, right around learning to sew and getting a book published. But alas, I am not one as of yet.
Still, I have things I want to say, sometimes things that I just need to say to someone other than my husband, because, let’s face it, he is a good listener but I don’t want to bore him with a process that though relevant to me, is not always interesting to him as ideas are being  formulated. The end result of my mental process is of course scintillating and fascinates him immensely. Laugh laugh (sorry I still can’t bring myself to say lol).

Anywho, so as I blog I am going to put pictures on, but pictures that I’ve taken with no concept of lighting or technic, pictures that are taken with a mediocre camera and often, I am ashamed to say it, with nothing more than a cell phone camera because it is so accessible. Pictures that just help me remember a moment in time, a moment that was beautiful or funny or meaningful. Pictures that remind me why I've made all the choices I've made over the years. Pictures that are a part of a splendid story, a romance, an adventure, a comedy.

If I am going to start anything I am going to jump in with both feet before I even realize what I am doing.
Which is why I can’t seem to get that huge picture of my face smaller or why my name when signing up for this blog is still Hoogan instead of Hogan. Sometimes these writings are little more than a journal entry and though I proof read it (ish), usually I hit publish prematurely. I take liberty’s with grammar that probably make my mom cringe; after all, she taught me and in her mind no one knows whether or not I made the mistake on accident or on purpose. I enjoy a good old run on sentence now and again even though I know it isn’t proper. Really, sometimes I am just talking to a friend, without trying to be perfect or say the perfect thing.

I realize this is a ramble and that it is due to the fact that I was hoping the brilliance I had on the treadmill would resurface if I just started to write. Sadly, it did not. The truth is I am a human person trying my best to be good and true and purposeful for God and family and I know that there are other human persons in this great wide world that might say “I get that” as I bump around in a severely imperfect manner on this blog. So for them and for me I write on.

If you labored through all those words, thanks, friend, for listening. Know that I have got some awesome  little bits to share as I get my head back in the game.

Just remember, life is grand. Live it well.

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